Online Booking

Young Travel - travel insurance cover for young people for stays abroad in Germany
Product information (PDF)

  1. Travel data
  2. Offer
  3. Your Data
  4. Check
  5. Confirmation

Travel data

When does your stay begin?

The longest duration for this package is 5 years.

The application for an insurance contract may be made at any time. It must be concluded for the total remaining period of the stay in Germany. The waiting time is 31 days. The general waiting times are calculated from the commencement of insurance. The general waiting time does not apply if the application is made within 31 days of arrival. The waiting time also does not apply to accidents or to medical interventions to avert an acute danger to your life.

  • First date of travel: Date when you first entered Germany.
  • Commencement of insurance: Date when your insurance cover starts (may be after your first date of travel)
  • End of insurance cover / date of departure: Date on which you are leaving Germany. The leaving date is also the end of the insurance cover.

Please note that you may only take out foreign travel insurance for a maximum of 5 years, including prior insurance with another insurer. The insurance cover is for a temporary stay in Germany. You do not intend to stay in Germany for a longer period or on a permanent basis. For this type of insurance, the law allows a maximum insurance period of 60 months (taking similar contracts into account, including contracts with other insurers).

When does the insurance period start and end?
Who is to be insured?

Who is eligible for cover?

All persons up to and including the age of 35 who come to the Federal Republic of Germany on a temporary basis in order to pursue further education as au pairs, pupils, language students, students, scholarship holders or postgraduate students and participants in Work & Travel programmes, provided they are foreign nationals with a permanent residence abroad.


Product Information